

Livre des anciens : recueil d'apophtegmes des Pères du désert / traduit du grec en latin par le bienheureux Paschase ; traduction franc̦aise de Lucien Regnault ; : Solesmes, : Cerf. -- Éditions de Solesmes. -- 207 p. ; 18 cm. -- (Foi vivante . Les classiques ; 365).




検索された蔵書の請求番号 前後5件

Les sentences des Pères du désert : troisième recueil & tables / par Lucien Regnault. -- Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1976. -- 381 p. ; 21 cm.

Les chemins de dieu au désert : la collection systématique des Apophtegmes des Pères / Lucien Regnault. -- Ĕditions de Solesmes, c1992. -- 348 p. ; 21 cm.

The anonymous sayings of the Desert Fathers : a select edition and complete English translation / edited and translated by John Wortley ; : hardback. -- Cambridge University Press, 2013. -- viii, 651 p. ; 24 cm.

More sayings of the Desert Fathers : an English translation and notes / edited by John Wortley ; with preface by Samuel Rubenson ; :hbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2019. -- xix, 196 p. ; 22 cm.

Les Pères du désert : à travers leurs apophtegmes / Dom Lucien Regnault. -- Solesmes, c1987. -- 236 p. ; 21 cm.

哲学書 検索された蔵書の請求番号:M-H:652:133.16

Detti inediti dei padri del deserto / introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Lisa Cremaschi. -- 3a ed. -- Edizioni Qiqajon, Comunità di Bose, 1992. -- 323 p. ; 19 cm. -- (Padri Orientali).

Useful servanthood : a study of spiritual formation in the writings of Abba Ammonas / Bernadette McNary-Zak ; with the Greek corpus of Ammonas in English translation by Nada Conic, Lawrence Morey, and Richard Upsher Smith. -- Cistercian Publications. -- ix, 169 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Cistercian studies series ; no. 224).

Becoming fire : through the year with the Desert Fathers and Mothers / edited by Tim Vivian ; translations by Apostolos N. Athanassakis ... [et al.] ; preface by Stephen Emmel ; foreword by Aelred Glidden ; : pbk. -- Cistercian Publications. -- 556 p. ; 22 cm. -- (Cistercian studies series ; no. 225).

The wisdom of the Desert Fathers : systematic sayings from the anonymous series of the Apophthegmata Patrum / translated with an introduction by Benedicta Ward ; foreword by Anthony Bloom. -- New ed. -- SLG Press, 1986, c1975. -- xv, 66 p. : ill, map ; 21 cm. -- (Fairacres publications ; 48).

Donne del deserto / Benedicta Ward ; [traduzione dall'inglese di Teresa Franzosi, dal latino di Cecilia Falchini]. -- Edizioni Qiqajon, Comunità di Bose, c1993. -- 144 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Padri orientali).